
Tutankhamun's tomb wasn’t plundered or looted to the same extent as others in the Valley of the Kings.

Why the Discovery of Tutankhamun's Tomb Was the Most Significant Archaeological Find of the 20th Century

The intact burial—unearthed on this day in 1922—contained a "wonderful" cache of objects linked to the ancient Egyptian pharaoh

An artist's interpretation of the newly discovered planet and a warped debris disk

Astronomers Discover a 'Newborn' World, the Youngest Known Transiting Exoplanet

At nearly three million years old, the exoplanet is about the age of a two-week-old baby in planet-years

Albert Hoffman, the chemist who first synthesized LSD, as photographed in 1976

Discover the Origins of a Psychedelic Drug Synthesized by a Swiss Chemist Who Claimed It 'Found and Called Me'

Five years after he created LSD in a lab on this day in 1938, Albert Hofmann accidentally underwent the first acid trip in human history, experiencing a kaleidoscope of colors and images in a sleepy Swiss city

King Arthur's Hall in Cornwall was named for the legendary leader of the Round Table.

Historians Thought This Was a Medieval Site Linked to King Arthur. It Turned Out to Be a Mysterious Monument Built 4,000 Years Earlier

Researchers have excavated King Arthur's Hall, a rectangular enclosure in southwest England, and determined that it dates to at least 3000 B.C.E.

This fragment of a terror bird’s left tibiotarsus, a lower leg bone in birds equivalent to that of a human tibia or shin bone, dates to around 12 million years ago during the Miocene epoch.

Rare 'Terror Bird' Fossil Found in Colombia Reveals the Enormous Size of a Prehistoric Predator

The bone, described two decades after its discovery, suggests the species might have grown up to 20 percent bigger than other terror birds

An artist depicts the tadpole and frog individuals of the Notobatrachus degiustoi species. The oldest known tadpole fossil, which belongs to this species, was found in the Patagonia region of Argentina.

Scientists Unearth the Oldest Tadpole Fossil Ever Found, and It's a 161-Million-Year-Old 'Giant'

Found in a rock in Argentina, the six-inch-long tadpole sheds light on the history of frog metamorphosis

Experts have found that the manuscript's paper and ink are consistent with the materials Chopin was using at the time.

You Can Listen to a Lost Chopin Waltz That Hasn't Been Heard for Nearly Two Centuries

The one-minute composition, which dates to the 1830s, was found on a piece of paper about the size of an index card at a museum in New York City

The first dinosaur fossils discovered in Hong Kong went on display last week.

Paleontologists Discover Dinosaur Fossils in Hong Kong for the First Time

The metropolis is an important center for paleontological research, but until now, fossils of plants and fish were the only remains of dinosaur-era life found there

Scientists feared the giant salmon carp had gone extinct, but recent discoveries revealed the elusive species is still in the wild.

A Massive, Mysterious 'Ghost' Fish, Feared Extinct for Nearly 20 Years, Has Been Rediscovered in Cambodia

The giant salmon carp was formally identified in 1991, and since then, fewer than 30 individuals had been documented

Prime numbers are only divisible by themselves and one.

Amateur Mathematician Discovers the Largest Known Prime Number, With More Than 41 Million Digits

Called M136279841, the value belongs to a rare class of prime numbers called Mersenne primes and was found using a supercomputer system spread across 17 countries

A sample of ocean crust, turned upside down, reveals tubeworms and other organisms.

In a First, Scientists Find Animals Thriving Beneath the Ocean Floor in Hidden Habitats Near Deep-Sea Vents

The discovery of worms and snails confirms that these still-mysterious, dark hotspots of life extend beyond what’s visible above the crust

Researchers found roughly 40 depressions on the lake bed of Lake Michigan within the Wisconsin Shipwreck Coast National Marine Sanctuary.

Mysterious Craters Discovered on the Bottom of Lake Michigan Could Hold Lessons About Early Life on Earth

Scientists aren't sure how the circular indentations some 450 feet below the surface formed, but they hope to investigate further

Andrew Irvine, back left, stands beside George Mallory and other members of the British Mount Everest expedition in 1924.

Famous Explorer's Remains Discovered on Mount Everest Offer Clues in a Century-Long Mystery

In 1924, Andrew "Sandy" Irvine joined George Mallory’s expedition to the world’s highest peak. Now, Irvine’s recently found foot and boot hint at what might have happened on that ill-fated undertaking

The 24-karat gold spiral statuette is inscribed with a message pointing the finder to more than $87,000 worth of Bitcoin.

A Treasure Hunter Just Uncovered the $100,000 Prize Hidden in the Massachusetts Woods

Two weeks ago, organizers of Project Skydrop stashed a golden statuette in a secret location somewhere in the northeastern United States

An illustration of night parrots by Elizabeth Gould, completed in 1890.

Rare and Elusive Australian Bird, Once Thought Extinct for 100 Years, Discovered by Indigenous Rangers and Scientists

Using sound recordings, the team identified the largest known population of the night parrot, a secretive species known as the "Holy Grail of birdwatching"

The Australasian narrow-nosed spookfish (Harriotta avia) has a long snout and a whip-like tail.

Scientists Discover a New Species of Elusive Ghost Shark

Called the Australasian narrow-nosed spookfish, the cryptic species lives deep in the ocean off the coasts of New Zealand and Australia

A cross section of a chambered nautilus shell shows the newly defined shape, the "soft cell," repeating outward in a spiral.

Mathematicians Discover a New Class of Shape: the 'Soft Cell'

If the structures look familiar, it's probably because nature has been using them for a long time in places like nautilus shells, zebra stripes and onions

A vertebra fossil of an extinct dolphin species found at the site.

Construction Project Unearths Millions of Fossils Beneath a Los Angeles High School

The discoveries include sharks, shorebirds, mammals and saber-toothed salmon, with the oldest remains dating to almost nine million years ago

Divers observed the HMS Hawke's intact guns at the bottom of the North Sea.

Divers Discover Sunken Warship Torpedoed by Germany in World War I

A German U-boat sank the HMS "Hawke" off the coast of Scotland in the early days of the war

A recent expedition to the Titanic's wreckage found that part of the ship's iconic bow railing has collapsed.

New Photographs Reveal Decay of the Titanic and Collapse of Its Iconic Railing

An expedition this summer documented signs of deterioration on the wreck, but it also rediscovered the Diana of Versailles statue, the centerpiece of the ship’s first-class lounge

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