U.S. History

Shelburne Farms, Vermont

A Pastoral Preserve Faces the Future

At Vermont's Shelburne Farms, a 19th-century showplace fulfills a quest to teach love for the land


Lessons from the Mall

From courses to cruises, the Smithsonian has educational and cultural adventures for everyone

National Museum of Natural History

Backstage at the Museum

Behind the scenes, an expert unites teams and budgets, treasures and cases--reality and dreams


The History of the Doughnut

A look back at the men, women and machines that made America’s favorite treat possible


Singing Our Praises

With creativity and a vast collection, the Smithsonian has become a leader in preserving our musical heritage


The Long Good-bye

In which it is argued that a look at the history of divorce may make you feel better about our own scandalous ways


Remember The Maine

It has been more than a century since the storied dreadnought sank, but controversy has not yet abandoned the ship


In Honor of Struggle

Life came hard for people like historian Lonnie Bunch's ancestors; he strives to commemorate them

Edith Wilson

A Symbol That Failed

In 1918, a hopeful France gave Mrs. Wilson a peace brooch, but peace eluded her husband and the world


Museum Networking

Whether at the Nobel Prize awards or at the opening of the new Getty center, the Smithsonian has a vital role


Stamps,— What an Idea!

New commemoratives look like our first stamps, which were slow to catch on in 1847


The ACLU Defends Everybody

Its clients have ranged from Muhammad Ali to Oliver North, but its real allegiance is to the Bill of Rights


Little Brother of War

Lacrosse sticks were tools of the trade in a rugged Indian game now growing popular around the world


Joseph Henry's Legacy

A man of science and compromise, the Smithsonian's first Secretary laid the foundation for success


The Long Walk to Bosque Redondo

Officials called it a reservation, but to the conquered and exiled Navajos it was a wretched prison camp


Symbolically Speaking

Smithsonian’s Museum Support Center in Suitland, Maryland

A Real "Nation's Attic"

It's a place with a two-foot-wide "dead zone," a "wet" pod and a refrigerated room for the garbage


Langley's Feat--and Folly

The Smithsonian Secretary assembled a devoted team, a remarkable engine and a plane that wouldn't fly


Pipelines to the Public

Through innovative outreach programs, the Smithsonian extends its resources far and wide


Signs of the Times

Autographs of luminaries —from Lincoln to Liberace —feed the yen for nostalgia and a brush with fame

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