Near the Chinese city of Shenzhen, a 20-acre factory complex, abandoned for 10 years, is slowly being reclaimed
What drives a person to give it all up and set off into the unknown?
This high-speed sport only happens when conditions are just right: a frozen river, lots of wind, and cold temperatures
You know that the longer you wait to book a flight, the higher ticket prices climb. But when exactly should you book a flight?
<a href="">Kilroy was here</a>
Our small world is about to get even smaller—for those who can afford to fly sub-orbitally
The flood barrier that protects London closed fifty times this winter—a new record
Welcome to the monumental endurance of thru-hiking
32,500 acres of lakeshore along Lake Michigan have been designated as wilderness by Congress
Chisels were banned in the early 1900s, and in 1977, the stones were roped off so people couldn’t climb on them any longer
Just 13 percent of the bears' diet comes from human food
Go on, take a minute to watch these aerial shots of reindeer herding in action
Across the steppes of eastern Europe, anthropomorphic stone stelae have dotted the landscape for centuries
The wildly popular restaurant review site, Yelp, has issued its first top 100 list of the best restaurants in the United States
Today, five people were selected at random to visit the cave at Altamira for the first time in 12 years
In images taken on the International Space Station, the country of North Korea is barely visible at all
These pictures of modern London streets mashed up with old artwork are a sight to see
A giant, kitschy tourist attraction has disappeared from the Australian town of Bowen
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