Scientists are all atwitter over Enceladus, one of Saturn's moons and one of the most likely places in our solar system to harbor life
Images of the evacuated area around the Fukushima Daiichi power plant offer a glimpse at a world without humans
Sharks may have the healthiest teeth in the animal kingdom
A live webcam let's you watch Alaskan brown bears hunt salmon during the fishes' annual migration
After a lifetime of servitude to the colony, older termites sacrifice the only thing they have left: their lives
Science confirms what you've always suspected: music these days is worse than it used to be
Wrinkles make it difficult for younger people to read the facial expressions of those older than them
Statistics could help predict just how fast athletes will run and swim at this summer's Olympics
Research shows that despite the fact that women live longer on average, their brains age faster. Scientists are pointing to stress as the possible culprit.
Amidst the turmoil of an ongoing civil war, Syrian President al-Assad has been threatening to use chemical weapons if faced with international intervention
Some Danes are taking to the dirt like Tolkien's hobbits. Their own Shire-like eco-village is a model of sustainability, and one of the oldest of its kind
On this day 34 years ago, Louise Brown, the first "test tube baby," was welcomed into the world
Flies now join likes of Romeo and Juliet, and Tristan and Isolde, determined but doomed lovers who would do anything - including die - for love
Companies are experimenting with rubber alternatives, turning to things like dandelions and soybeans to build their wheels
Britain prepares to welcome their new flying ant overlords
Researchers are hoping to use electric jolts to jump start people's brains
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