Across time and distance, these colorful emblems fluttering in the breeze are symbols steeped in our history and our cultures
Controversies like those swirling around the FDR Memorial are the rule when Americans try to agree on anything to be cast in bronze
Under the stewardship of scholars Diderot and d'Alembert, the 18th-century's Encyclopédie championed fact and freedom of the intellect
A bejeweled box from a sorely beset emperor leads to a Yankee dentist, and how he rescued the beautiful empress Eugénie from a Paris mob
Founded more than a century ago, the American Colony in Jerusalem has endured hardships, wars, upheaval, and the ebb and flow of empires
Heading north for the pole, the Jeannette was frozen fast for 21 months, then sank; for captain and crew, that was the easy part
A war crimes tribunal sent forensic scientists to investigate mass graves in the former Yugoslavia. What happened there?
Serpent of the Nile? Learned ruler? Sex Kitten? Ambitious mom? African queen? History is still toying with the poor lady's reputation
The public television team put theories to the test to uncover the secrets of how the ancient Egyptians moved and raised the giant blocks
Westward the corsair of England's empire made his way, plundering Spain for Queen and country; now modern moralists are nibbling at his fame
The free-spirited author George Sand scandalized 19th-century Paris when she defied convention and pioneered an independent path for women
In the war-shattered city of Nuremberg, in November 1945, an Allied tribunal convened to seek justice in the face of the Third Reich's monstrous war crimes
In the days when divorce was still a sin and a shame, the city of Reno grew rich and infamous, catering to domestic disharmony
After all the analysis of his apples, his bathers, that mountain, his paintings still electrify at a major show in Philadelphia
What with the Mexican War, and a million square miles of new real estate, our westward destiny became highly manifest
In the Algebra Project Robert Moses uses subway rides, gumdrops and everyday experiences to help kids cope with exponents and negative numbers
Getting rid of $34 billion worth of old ships, planes and guns, not to mention seven million tubes of toothpaste, was no picnic
In A.D. 77 a workaholic called Pliny the Elder published the first encyclopedia, Natural History. Headless people were among the many marvels
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