Divers, distillers and researchers recently recovered grain from the "James R. Bentley," a wooden schooner that sank during a storm in 1878
A new paper reveals how Aboriginal people changed the landscape by burning, demonstrating how similar practices could help manage modern bushfires
Scientists have discovered traces of hallucinogens in a small vessel depicting an Egyptian deity that may have been used in ancient rituals
Southern operatives tried to light New York businesses on fire and bring the Northern city to its knees on this date in 1864
On this day in 1542, the Battle of Solway Moss left James V enfeebled and ill, clearing the way for his young daughter, Mary, Queen of Scots, to claim the throne weeks later
Until Mercury released the statement, tabloid newspapers hounded the ailing singer, while only a smaller inner circle knew about the extent of his illness
Found etched into clay cylinders in Syria, the strange symbols date to around 2400 B.C.E.—500 years before other known alphabetic scripts
Makenzie Van Eyk wrote the letter as part of a class project in 1998, when she was in fourth grade. Recently, the note was discovered by a boy who goes to school with her daughter—who is now in fourth grade herself
Found in western Germany, the stone plaques feature etchings of fish trapped in grid-like nets, according to a new study
The items include artistic urns, a bone comb and an ancient sarcophagus with a full skeleton inside
On this day in 1718, the Royal Navy attacked and killed Blackbeard, also known as Edward Teach, off the coast of North Carolina
The short-term rental giant will help pay for the Colosseum Archaeological Park’s educational programs in exchange for use of the monument
Settlers in Massachusetts needed cash, but England wouldn't send any. So, they created their own mint in Boston and began making coins
Rebecca Felton was sworn in on this day, and despite her short time in power, her legacy reveals deep contradictions in American history
The copy of "Harmonia Macrocosmica" dates back to the 17th century and includes ancient theories of the universe
Survivors of the whale attack drifted at sea for months, succumbing to starvation, dehydration—and even cannibalism
"Women & Freud: Patients, Pioneers, Artists" spotlights the women who influenced the Austrian neurologist—and the field of psychoanalysis more broadly
Microsoft and the Vatican used artificial intelligence to virtually recreate the historic Vatican City church
The nonprofit behind the tool wants people to learn the history of the spaces they inhabit
The marble slab, which dates to between 300 and 500 C.E., is the oldest-known stone tablet inscribed with the Commandments. Nobody recognized its significance until decades after its discovery
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