Pre-Maya hunter-gatherers built the system in Central America in response to a drought between 2200 and 1900 B.C.E., according to a new study
The idea suggests prehistoric people built a ring of stone circles in modern-day Dartmoor National Park around the same time that Stonehenge was created—and the new finds have just added another piece to the puzzle
The artist used white chalk to draw on blank advertising panels inside subway stations. Now, 31 surviving examples of these works have sold at auction for more than $9 million
During a 1982 experiment, researchers recorded the unusual sound, termed “bio-duck.” Now, a researcher suggests they may have been listening in on animals talking to each other
Located in an English churchyard, the stone was inscribed with the name "Ebenezer Scrooge" for the 1984 movie. Police are investigating the vandalism, which occurred earlier this month
A disgruntled former San Francisco politician killed Milk and the city’s mayor, George Moscone
The cables have been resting on the lakebed for decades, raising fears from environmentalists and residents about possible lead contamination
This copy of the 16th-century text is owned by a private collector. Until recently, historians weren't aware that it existed
Preliminary research suggests asteroid 2024 PT5, which stuck around Earth for almost two months, has lunar origins
The fifth-century artifact was found in the ruins of a structure that may have been connected to the military. Historians think it was used as a protective amulet
Engineers discovered the mysterious missive while working on repairs at Corsewall Lighthouse last month. Now, they plan to write their own note for future generations to find
The collision in Stephan's Quintet was observed by WEAVE, a new instrument on one of the world's most powerful telescopes, in its first major scientific results
A team of experts has created a digital avatar of the maligned monarch, who speaks with a Yorkshire accent. The 15th-century king was born in Northampton, but he spent much of his life in northern England
The intact burial—unearthed on this day in 1922—contained a "wonderful" cache of objects linked to the ancient Egyptian pharaoh
The term's popularity skyrocketed after content creator Jools Lebron used it in a now-viral TikTok video, in which she described being "very demure, very mindful"
Marine biologists are perplexed by the lone bottlenose dolphin's vocalizations, because some resemble sounds typically used for communication
Divers, distillers and researchers recently recovered grain from the "James R. Bentley," a wooden schooner that sank during a storm in 1878
Revealed by a German fossil, the newly described species sheds light on questions that scientists have been puzzling over for nearly two centuries
A new paper reveals how Aboriginal people changed the landscape by burning, demonstrating how similar practices could help manage modern bushfires
Scientists have discovered traces of hallucinogens in a small vessel depicting an Egyptian deity that may have been used in ancient rituals
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