Two New York City jewelers, caught with $2 million worth of illegal ivory, plead guilty to charges of commercializing wildlife
Should we hunt down and kill man-eaters?
Winning streaks are engrained into our sports psyches, but are they actually a legitimate phenomoenon?
The rage over CERN's font choice drives the question: How would the world have reacted to Newton's world-changing tome had Comic Sans existed at the time?
Starting in 2015, Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf will once again be available to German readers
Because we always have
Should you raise a sugar-free baby? One mother makes a case for this radical move
Nora Ephron died last night at 71, of pneumonia brought on by acute myeloid leukemia
Disney/Pixar's "Brave" is based on real places in Scotland. Now, "Brave"-centric vacations lets families experience the adventure first hand
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